Sunday, February 19, 2017

What kills us

I don't know if I love him deeply. I wish for him to satisfy my flesh. I wish to satisfy his craving. But i know I will regret it.

Has it become an addiction? It definitely is. It is the silent killer of relationships. It is the secret voice that calls out to me every night, and I am hooked. It's got me in its talons and keeps me wanting more every night. It constantly teases and opens the secret door of desire and makes me crave more than just watching people on the screen.
It slowly alters your normal. It opens me to the doors of my doom. There are many ways in, and only 1 way out. That way out isn't obscure, but is difficult to reach. The way out demands death to desire. But when you're trapped in its many talons, it takes more than willpower to say no to its temptations.

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