Sunday, March 16, 2008

more about my momental memory loss.........2 weeks ago, i woke up on time, dressed up as usual only taking my swweeet time, somehow forgetting that the bus leaves at 8.15. i went in my mum's car only realising then that its already 8.13! and i just left the house. i frantically called my fren to ask the drvier to wait, but no, the driver refused. and so i reached just in time to see the bus move from its spot. next thing i knew, it was a wild goose chase between the bus driver and my mum tailing him directly behind, honking him to stop. at first i thought i could run to catch him since he stopped a sec at sjmc. but that didn't work and i ended up running a few steps bahind him like a mad girl. embarassing.. i hope no one i know saw me! thank goodness i arrived at the sunway stop in time to get on the bus. not without bouts of laughing from my friends though.

then last monday, i forgotten to bring my asignment to do in that 6 hrs before class. i placed it on my table the night before, while packing. but somehow, when i brought my bag to the front a few minutes later, that big file on my table decided to hide from my eyes. it slipped my mind, and i didn't see it. i only realised it when i reached the bus stop the next morning.

again my brain decides to play tricks on me. yesterday i thought my violin class is at 3pm instead of 3,30. i went in confidently, and upon seeing his actual 3 pm student which arrived later than me, he questioned. and i confidently answered 'my time is 3'. haha..big he'll probably laugh at that too for the next few weeks till he finds a new joke. who knew my name could be a source of laughter, why your eye like that wan? hahaha

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