aiks.........kena tagged by sheryiin..Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all...(sure anot?)1. Who is your all-time inspiration?who ar?....lets change it to what....hehe. anything and everything pretty?2. Have you given your first kiss away?no lar.3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why?hmh..i) margaret!! monkey joker...ur so funny, definitely bring you lar to keep me company..........bwahahaii) lydia..cos we can talk for hours and not run out of topics to talk bout. hahahaiii) then u'll have NS experience!! =)4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?for now, it's korea, the scenary in those dramas are just so enticing. i'm generally not a scenary but this is exceptionnally nice.5. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?to be TALLER!!!! duh...........6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?-yeah, i've seen quite a number mysel.7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?my friends.8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?buy car!!!!!! then shopping, and go eat at places i'd normally can't afford and the rest keep la.9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?nope. guys should make the first move. haha a guy!!10.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.talks more now that i'm no longer her cg leader..haha, but she's nice and really hardworking!11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?a good looking christian, lean guy, right brainer too, must be amusing at least to me, and builds me up.12. Which type of person do you hate the most?people who talk secrets they don't want me to hear, in front of me!!! 13. What is your ambition?be a famous, succesful designer?14. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?tell me!! nothing hurts more than knowing i'm being talked about behind my back.15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?honestly, my friends.16) Are you a shopaholic ? yup, and quite impulsive at times. but mostly indecisive..sighs*17. erh.........who created this tag thing anyway??!!!18. If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change?to not go blank all the time!!!19. Name a song which got stuck in your head first thing this morning, and you can't help but keep it. Are you happy about it?all american rejects-straight jacket feeling. a visit to carissa's blog got me addicted to most of the songs on her playlist..including this!!20. What do you wish to have now?my own room with a walk in wardrobe and more clothes, shoes and bags to fill it, a...... forget it. i want a magic wand that'll give me everything i want not just now, but forever!!! hehehehei tag:margaret, stefanie, melanie, lydia, rachelle, sharon, roxanne, and eunice!
more about my momental memory loss.........2 weeks ago, i woke up on time, dressed up as usual only taking my swweeet time, somehow forgetting that the bus leaves at 8.15. i went in my mum's car only realising then that its already 8.13! and i just left the house. i frantically called my fren to ask the drvier to wait, but no, the driver refused. and so i reached just in time to see the bus move from its spot. next thing i knew, it was a wild goose chase between the bus driver and my mum tailing him directly behind, honking him to stop. at first i thought i could run to catch him since he stopped a sec at sjmc. but that didn't work and i ended up running a few steps bahind him like a mad girl. embarassing.. i hope no one i know saw me! thank goodness i arrived at the sunway stop in time to get on the bus. not without bouts of laughing from my friends though. then last monday, i forgotten to bring my asignment to do in that 6 hrs before class. i placed it on my table the night before, while packing. but somehow, when i brought my bag to the front a few minutes later, that big file on my table decided to hide from my eyes. it slipped my mind, and i didn't see it. i only realised it when i reached the bus stop the next morning. again my brain decides to play tricks on me. yesterday i thought my violin class is at 3pm instead of 3,30. i went in confidently, and upon seeing his actual 3 pm student which arrived later than me, he questioned. and i confidently answered 'my time is 3'. haha..big he'll probably laugh at that too for the next few weeks till he finds a new joke. who knew my name could be a source of laughter, why your eye like that wan? hahaha
barely 3 weeks of uni and its just crazy! asignments are pilling, the excitement rising, yet the mood dampens day by day. yes, i'm finally gonna design my own garments, and yes, i feel more like a professional artist now. but the higher my asignments pile, the more moody i become, the less i want to finish it, let alone start doing. such a procrastinator. i'm jealous too. my friends can still afford to relax, but i have to slug day and night just trying to finish it. and i already have a late submission. gosh.......! as i sit here writing this post, i'm supposed to be doing pencil hatching. but i take forever. 1 whole day for a sleeve is no joke. and i have to pass this up on monday. the ever impending thought that my work is just not nice, not perfect enough is reason to blame. having stef's work as example has its good and bad. my classmates saw that gorgeous piece of work, so did my lecturers. they now think i'm good. kinda hard living up to that expectation, aint it? that aside, i still have 30 sketches to design. read: i need ideas desperately! its due tuesday;a dress pattern block to complete, of which i've forgotten half the instructions. sigh....i've been having memory problems lately. not to mention, i still wanna go out with deb and the rest of the gang this week, since its deb's last week of hols. with that amount of work??
since when did i care bout politics? bout elections and ministers, government and opposition and what nots? parents are. everyone around me is, surprisingly even my close friends are. guess it rubbed on me. as much as i don't like it, its scary in a way too. especially when every few minutes i hear the opposition winning, or the coalition's top guns losing. i'm shivering already!!!! what would happen to us? would our everyday life be still what we've come to know as normal? what if......? gosh, i don't even wanna think about it anymore.
i'm as unsettled as the waves of a roaring sea? like a tornado forming in my brain. i can't think straight, and i can't do work. no, i'm not thinking bout the polls. no wait. i don't even know what i'm thinking or what i should be thinking. its all jumbled up. even simple things like which assignment i should start with seems like an impossible task. what is wrong with me?! all's not well. i'm not clear what i'm suppose to fill my concept board with. pictures of what? kate beckinsale only? how am i going to find enough interesting pictures to fill that A3 board?. what is a concept board anyway? i don't know what outfit to design, what material to use. was at a loss when i went to kamdar on friday. i was totally blank on what to find. i give up so easily when i don't see what i imagine!! again i start to think. do i really want to do this? i don't like sewing and i shiver at the prospect of having to sew my own design in just a matter of a few weeks. to top it, i hear that we'll be having a fashion show for our designs too at the end of the semester, that's like what....3 months? exciting, yes. anxious and frustrated too.
Scream!!!!!!!......shattered to a million pieces. Like a bomb blast. Scattered. Unable to regain its form, unable to function, rendered useless by the mighty blow. Like a bolt of lightning screeching through, screams thundering, clouding any audible voice left. The intensity? magnificently magnified with the thoughts and images rushing through, not stopping, not allowing even a glimpse. What madness! Wild, insane, the unthinkable, the thoughts going berserk, like wires going haywire. Brownian's movement in the human core.
One secret revealed, and blown out of proportion.