Monday, June 15, 2009

People and manners. They don't come together.

Even after seeing the bus or train overloaded with people they still want to squeeze their way in. How annoying, this brainless people. I like the guy who shouted "oih! mau orang kat dalam sini mati ke? kita kat dalam ni, diri pun tak boleh, lagi mau masuk?!"

In short, he was scolding those ppl outside the train,cos after seeing the train so packed with people, they still want to push their not-so-little bodies in into the already-worst-than-sardin packed train. Prove is your little writer over here.

I got in the train at Subang. Thanks to the train delay, the amount of people at the station was just overwhelming. So the pushing starts. I could still stand straight when i just got in. There wasn't anywhere to hold, but not that i need them anyway. It was too packed too fall from the sway of the train. Then we came to the next station, and smart peoples still wanted to push their way in. Now I was slightly imbalanced, senget more like. I could hardly stand straight.

At the next station, still some non reasonable people pushed their way in. Needless to say I was pushed even more. I had to hold on to my sister (luckily we could go together today) because i was standing tip toe on one leg and the other leg couldn't even find ground to stand.

By the next station, I slowly started to lose more ground! Now I can't even stand straight at all. With one leg still on tip toe and the other leg not on ground, my body began to curve with all their pushing. I was standing in such an odd manner, if i didn't have my sis to hold on to I would just have fallen and probably be trampled on? Really, what is wrong with people?!

And the train continues on its journey to the next station. By now, I am standing in a 'C' shape. Odd enough? My leg still on tip toe, remember? The other leg, I finally managed to get it to hold some ground. Not fully, just enough to tip toe. Thats all I could push for in that crammed up train.
Weird eh? All because beside me is a bag on the ground, which took up some precious space. After that station, I couldn't stand any longer. All the pushing made me fall... onto the bag. Sorry to the bag owner, I hope there's nothing fragile in it. Its not my fault if there was anyway. Blame those silly people still pushing their butts in.
Well, at least I got a free 'chair' to sit on. Wahahahaha! Of course I tried not to put my whole weight on the bag, I ain't that evil nor desperate for a chair.

Phew! Im just glad that that was the last 2 stops. I came out soon enough and finally could breathe fresh air and feel my feet on the ground once again. What a relieve!

And I told myself, if ever I have to take public transport during peak hours, it won't be the KTM. The pushing and squashing in the bus is still more bearable than the train's. Oh trust me, I've got stories bout beeing squashed in the bus too. Not once, not twice, so many times! But, I shall not make this post any longer. You get the message already!.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Its finally holidays!!!!..yea!!
*see the smile so wide on the stressed filled face with eyes so small decorated with ugly eye bags*

This is (was) my semester 5.

The semester that ended so bad I wished it never started. Yet, I would never trade this semester because I did what i had always dreamed to.

So I'll hope and pray I'd pass.

Semester 5 in a nutshell:-

1) Paroimia took up 3 quarters of my sem, sem 5 would not be sem 5 without it. Meetings after meetings, and my homework fell backward. =)Yet, i absolutely LOVE Paroimia, from the show to the people and the work too!

~Memories from Paroimia 2009~

2) Then semester started in late Feb. We didn't get the lecturer we alllll were looking forward too!!!! *What to do???*
yea, we fought but to no avail. (We, meaning 5 of us out of the 24 in the class..hmph!) This col really love to trick us. They promised us a diff lecturer, suppossedly a designer fr Germany who had previously worked with famous designers in NY. But what did she do? eversince she's here, not even 1 person has not been pissed by her. In short, she's just trouble. She never once taught us. Silly us for the fat hopes we had, thinking a European lect with that experience would do us good. Silly us again for thinking that the col ever had its students in mind. We heard they reduced the better lecturer's amount of class for she commanded a higher pay. You see, usually she would teach both semester 5 and 6 for this particular subj. But this time round they only gave her semester 6.....again because they petitioned so much the last sem.

3) A month since she entered, she now shows her colours. What does she want? a Batik fashion show....right smack in the midst of our finals. Doing the batik, draping the cloth, attending her silly meetings which herself never showed up......took so many precious days and weeks of our semester!!! thus many of us were very late in getting our finals approved and done. In the end, after much squabbling and flying spiteful comments, we and our lecturers did the fashion show...without her. The first time, i dare say, the lecturers and students were in unity, in making the show a success.

Draping the 2 m cloth weeks before fashion show

My model wearing my batik.

4) This sem, I also went for my very first fashion show. Not attending as a guest, but helping backstage with a few of my classmates and a few other coursemates form semester 2 and 4. It was AN experience, literally. One we all never want to repeat. We were treated like free slaves, shouted at, scolded, called useless by a model and ' rats' by that international designer who really have no respect for people. None of us 24 students from my uni wanted to help him. We all stuck to helping Agatha Ruiz de la Prada...the nicer, more respectful designer from Madrid.

5) It was a really busy sem too, both for me and Stef, for we only went lunch 3 or 4 times together. Partly due to the fact our classes time really clashed....she had mainly evening classes, mine was all morning. I misssss you so much gal!! And John.....i only saw you like 3 or 4 times around uni!!!

6)But that proved good for me and my classmates. Since Christina would only come for class after lunch, I became closer to the rest of my classmates. I only regret not knowing them earlier=]

During one of our visual merchandising class...them posing as mannequins=)

7) what else? the end of this sem, I will be doing my internship. The college got me Beatrice, MOnday's the first day. Looking forward to seeing whats installed for me and my friend there!

8) the other day my bro told my mum that she should graduate with me. lol. All because during this last week since MOnday (the day before my presentation) my mum and the rest of my family too worked tirelessly to help me finish=) Love them too bits..i dunno what I'd do without them.! They slept late nights, especially my mum who had one whole night without sleep too just to help me finish my garments and then having to send me there as well. They had to do my chores for the past 3 weeks cos my mum kindly relinquished all duties of me so i can concentrate on finishing. On top of that, I made them help me do anything I thought they could handle like pleating cloth, marking with chalk, painting one of my fabrics ( we had to use batik for our final), putting silicate solution all over the fabric....anything! So funny, my dad was so worried he wondered if i needed to send my garment to the tailor!.

9) oh and guess what? I forgot to take photo of my models wearing my garments again!=) so till i steal those pics of the col photographers photos for you..haha.
the sad thing is, i only managed to finish 2 garments out of 3 in time for the presentation....with no boards i entered into that torture room. Obviously, he (my lect) scolded me...ish so memalukan..dahlah the models there. I really abslutely hope to passsss and not lose my scholarship! Christina and Stef can pleaase kick me to work faster next sem!!!

*sorry, all unedited photos cos i just started my hols. I shall learn how to edit photos soon.